Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Frosting Techniques - A Handy Infographic

Have you visited cool baking website - 'It's a Baking Thing' yet? It's a great one stop shop for baking ingredients and tools which also provides expert advice for home bakers.

Last month, during 'National Cupcake Week' they featured 20 creative frosting techniques with home baker Rachael Heatley, in a two minute video which can be seen over at their site.

But they didn't mention at the time what piping nozzles were used for each technique. To fix this they came up with the handy dandy infographic below, clearly explaining the technique and what nozzle to use to get the correct effect.

Why not pin this for future reference...

Nozzles for cupcake frosting

Disclosure Statement: I received payment to feature this infographic on my blog and on social media. Any opinions expressed are however my own.

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