Saturday, 6 July 2013

The Cakeyboi Alphabet - X

We've reached X in the alphabet and as you can imagine, this was a tricky one!

But we all have mishaps in the kitchen where we let out a little expletive or two! Of course, Cakeyboi is no exception...


  1. Love it! I swear a lot when things go wrong!

    I would have also gone down the road of XXX (naughty cakes) and made him censored ...

    Or has that been done already??

    1. Well, Caked Crusader thought last week's W for whipped was erring on the side of 50 shades - so maybe a theme is building?!

  2. I always find I use the same naughty word - do we all have a 'go to' expletive or is it just me being odd?


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