Meet Captain Cakeman...
Cakeyboi's superhero alter-ego! And he is looking for your baking problems and queries - no matter how big or small.
Please get in touch with any query you may have regarding baking, for example 'how do I separate eggs easily' to 'why are measuring cups used more in the US, not in the UK'? Anything at all, fire away...
Captain Cakeman loves to try and help, so email (, facebook ( or tweet @MrCakeyBoi your problems or questions.
Go on 'Ask Captain Cakeman'!
I love this idea! I thought of a good question, how to melt sugar to make caramel or sugar syrup? I really struggled with this when I first made it so thought it would be a good one for Captain Cakeman to explain!
ReplyDeleteThanks Kat, I shall add this to the bundle. I have a few questions so far, via e-mail, Facebook and Twitter also. I plan to publish responses every Saturday, so stay tuned!
ReplyDeleteWe can all sleep a little safer knowing Capt Cakeman is on the scene!
ReplyDeleteNo competition for the Caked Crusader tho!