Monday, 23 July 2012

Banana Bread Blueberry Muffins

Blueberries. Funny to think that in the UK these were quite an unknown quantity several years ago. I remember in my teenage years being obsessed with making blueberry muffins – I heard about them all the time on TV, but you couldn’t get them for love nor money in the 80’s - well in North East Scotland anyway! I remember my mum and I going for a day trip through to Edinburgh and going into the food hall in Jenners. There I found a tin of blueberries in syrup. I was well chuffed, even though they were extortionate (If you know Jenners, you won’t be surprised). And the funny thing is, I cannot even remember the muffins I might have made with them. But of course blueberries are everywhere now. I love them and they are such a versatile ingredient.

The other week I was having a look around the baking section in TK Maxx and came across a cute square muffin pan. I picked it up, thinking it would be a good buy, but not for anything inparticular. Then this week, I had some ripe bananas left over and I saw that my beloved blueberries were on special at the supermarket. And it hit me – why not make banana bread, which I love, but cross it with blueberry muffins. The square tin would be perfect, although not necessary if you would like to embark on this delicious concoction…

Banana Bread Blueberry Muffins

Yield: approx 15 medium sized muffins

3 ripe bananas
150 grams fresh blueberries
250 grams granulated sugar
120ml vegetable oil
2 eggs
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
250 grams of plain flour
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
½ teaspoon cinnamon
Pinch of Salt

Preheat your oven to 180oC and line or grease a muffin pan.

In a bowl sift together the flour, bicarb, cinnamon and salt. Set aside. In another bowl, mash the bananas down with a fork, add the sugar and vegetable oil and mix until combined. Next add the eggs one at a time, incorporating each one fully into the mix. Stir in the vanilla and then add the flour mixture. Combine until no streaks of flour can be seen, but try not to over beat as you don’t want tough muffins. Add the blueberries and gently fold into the batter.

Next, fill your muffin cases two-thirds full with the batter. Pop your tray into the oven for about 20-25 minutes or until a toothpick comes out of the centre clean. Allow to cool and remove each muffin from the pan.

These are fine on their own, but I added a final flourish with some icing on top. For the icing recipe click here.

These muffins are delicious eaten cold or warmed up. The unmistakable taste of banana bread is there, albeit in muffin form with the gentle hit of cinnamon, and with the unexpected pop of the blueberries. A firm favourite, these keep for a few days in an airtight container. Enjoy…


  1. Do you think it was due to us being conditioned to eat blackberries which are generally free ? but they work much better in cake also like them in chocolate cake too :-)

  2. Replies
    1. Possibly Mrs M - I've just never been one for blackberries myself. But blueberries! I even had them with roast pork once - delish :)

  3. ok, this is getting freaky - first your love of the Fanny Cradock christmas shows and now the square muffin pan? I went into TK Maxx (for the first time) on Monday...and guess what I bought?
    I'm starting to think I'm living Fight Club and you're my cooler alter ego!!!

    1. Ooh CC - maybe we were separated at birth! That is too spooky - and I'm sure you are the cooler one - not me :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. What a fabulous blog, I have just read ever post from start to finish. I want to make marshmallows.
    Love Fanny Craddock too, got quite a few of her books. It may date me but I remember seeing her on the TV (I was really really young).
    Just one question, what is the red pointy topped white concertina thing? I thought I had every cake pan and baking gadget ever made. Don't tell my husband though.
    I bake every weekend and as we can't possibly eat it all, not if we don't want to waddle everywhere, I take it to the office with me. We must be the only office that can't wait for Mondays!!

    1. Hi Andrea and thanks for liking my blog - great to have another follower! I remember Fanny too when I was young - think my fascination started then! Do you remember Painting with Nancy too perchance?? The white concertina thing is actually a new icing implement that Disneyboi gave me recently for my birthday - it is great, makes icing a cinch! I take my cakes into the office too - but think they are all caked out so I'm having to find new outlets to pass the cakes onto! Take care and keep following :)

  6. Oh, I was eyeing up that cake tin in the cookshop outside the Wellgate Centre. I wonder which are cheaper? I was thinking it would be great for caramel shortbread or nanaimo bars :)

  7. What an interesting story of not having blueberries in the U.K. I had no idea, but I'm so glad that you can enjoy them now! How creative to have combined bananas with blueberries in muffins! We just love both and I'm sure that they are super moist! The drizzled icing is genius!

    1. Moist wasn't the word Roz - super moist! And yummy!

  8. these went really well with my family! Thanks for the recipe

  9. Yum, they look so creamy and delicious, I love it!

  10. Bananas and blueberries are my favorite fruits. I will definitely prepare this recipe next time when I am in a mood for something sweet.


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