Saturday, 21 February 2015

It's a Wrap Folks!

Having a brand identity is, I feel, very important. People see your brand and instantly identify it with your product or service. Take the Coca Cola logo – everyone in the world knows what it is, even if they can’t read English. I have a bit of an obsession with brands. I love it when products get an updated logo (sad I know) and I have even been to the Museum of Brands in London. Founded by Robert Opie, the museum has packaging and advertising of consumer products from the 1890’s onwards. It’s now one of the top ten attractions in the capital.

At university I studied marketing and product management which probably ties in with that somewhat. It annoys me when I see new business open up around me and they have no ‘look’. All it takes is a font, to get started really.

 When I started my blog, I was keen to have a brand identity and the look of the blog has evolved a wee bit since it started, to a point where I think my banner, font and the colours are now identifiable with Cakeyboi.

As you know, I bake a LOT. If we have ever met personally, it’s a fair bet that I have brought you some of my confections to try. So, when ‘It’s A Wrap’ got in touch to see if I would like to try their services I jumped at the chance.

It’s A Wrap’ print environmentally friendly, customisable greaseproof paper for food. You can send them your logo and they will print it onto biodegradable greaseproof paper. You can have a full colour design if you like, printed in vegetable based inks. They can trim sheets to your required size and if buying wholesale, offer a free design service.

I was kindly offered 1000 sheets (the minimum order they take) with my own design. I sent off some images of my logo and the company helped me to come up with a design I was really happy with. The design is in a blue tone (pantone 2945!) that features on the blog. People who know my obsession with the colour orange will wonder why I didn’t go for that, but I felt the blue stood out more. I could have gone for multi-colours, but I liked the blue on it’s own.

I placed my order and in around 10 days my bundle of paper arrived. I loved it. Perfect for wrapping up my baked goods and handing them out. Plus people will see the name and know what’s inside came from me, spreading the word of the blog.

If you are a food business, why not invest in printed greaseproof paper from ‘It’s A Wrap’? It really adds that little bit of professionalism to your product rather than basic plain sheets of greaseproof. You are also safe in the knowledge that ‘It’s A Wrap’ is a member of the FPA (Food Packaging Association).

Pop over to the website and take a look. You can enquire about prices and get an idea of what your brand could look like all wrapped up!

I loved the helpful and quick service from ‘It’s A Wrap’ (a trademark of JR Press) and would certainly recommend them to anyone who is considering using them. And I do mean anyone as they deliver globally!

'It's A Wrap' also cater for non food related luxury wrap for retail. Also customisable, the luxury wrap is perfect for goods such as clothing, soaps, jewellery, candles, you name it.

I will be using my paper in some future images on the blog, to get you inspired!

Disclosure Statement: I received the printed greaseproof paper free to review and I was not expected to write a positive review. Any opinions expressed are entirely my own.

some images courtesy of


  1. What a brilliant idea and you've definitely got a brand identit. Blue is my favourite colour followed closely by orange.

  2. This is so awesome Stuart, the wrap looks great!

  3. I love brand stuff too! I need to check out that musuem.... I have or had not sure what happened to it after I moved to the UK, a collection of Absoult Vodka ads. They were so cool back in the 90's!

    Loving your branded paper! So, much fun!

    1. Not that you drank that much Lisa - ahem! ;)

  4. I love this, printed paper with your brand logo on there x

  5. Oh I LOVE that museum- its ust round the corner from us and such a treat to pop in an explore!

    1. Lucky you! We must go back on our next visit...


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