Saturday, 7 December 2013

Marshmallow Snowmen

This isn’t so much a recipe, more an edible craft that kids will love to try out.

Marshmallow snowmen are easy to make and delicious to eat after you, or the kids, have admired the handiwork that goes into them. You could even stick them in the top of cupcakes as a decoration.

All you really need are some lolly sticks, white marshmallows (or pink if you want pink snowmen) and lots of sweets that can be used as additions to the snowmen.

For mine, I added orange Tic-Tacs as the nose, and lime ones for the buttons. I just took a toothpick and made a hole before pushing the Tic-Tacs in. Don’t push the nose in as far as the buttons.

For arms I used Matchmakers, but you could even use salty pretzels if you like that whole salty and sweet thing going on. Again I pre-made holes with a toothpick.

For his scarf I used strawberry laces and for his hat I used an American hard gum, stuck to a giant chocolate button, melted the button underneath and stuck to the top mallow.

For the face I used a black food colouring pen I had, but you could even use a toothpick dunked in black food colouring to dab on his eyes and mouth.

A simple idea, which is perfect for this time of year, I’m sure you’ll agree.

I'm entering these festive snowmen into Jac's  at Tinned Tomatoes challenge No Croutons Required. Any festive photo is all that is needed this month and although these aren't suitable for vegetarians, I don't think that is required this month!!


  1. Love that you have given your snowman eyebrows!

  2. These are so creative! Kids are bound to enjoy making (and eating) these!

  3. Fabulous - cute & easy! Vohn x

  4. Love it definitely using as an activity at my daughters bday party

  5. haha I wish I saw this recipe sooner. I would've loved to make these with the little guy. I'm saving this for next year. ^_^


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